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President Isaias Afwerki laid a Wreath at Asmara's Patriots Cemetry On Martyrs day.

President Isaias Afwerki laid a Wreath at Asmara's Patriots Cemetry in morning hours today in honour & remembrance of #Eritrea's heroic Martyrs. Ceremony included public procession from Sheda Square to Cemetry & cultural shows on heavy sacrifices paid for freedom & sovereignity

The ceremony included public procession from Shida Square to the Martyrs Cemetery as well as cultural shows depicting the heavy sacrifice paid for freedom and sovereignty.

The event was attended by Ministers, senior Government and PFDJ officials, Army Commanders, religious leaders, members of the Diplomatic Corps as well as a number of Asmara residents.


Diaspora nationals commemorated Martyrs Day

Nationals in the UK, Uganda, Ethiopia, Angola, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, and Austria commemorated Eritrea’s Martyrs Day with patriotic zeal.

At the event organized in London, in which over 3 thousand nationals took part, the participants expressed their commitment to strengthen their contributions in support of the families of martyrs.

The commemorative event, organized by the Eritrean Embassy in Ethiopia and Eritrea’s Permanent Representative at the African Union and Economic Commission of Africa, was highlighted by a candlelight vigil and tree planting.

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